The first transnational partner meeting meeting within Active Learning Community for Upskilling Technicians and Engineers project (allCUTE), 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079042, was held on 27th and 28th June 2021 in Kavala, Greece, where partners from 4 coutries (Bulgaria, Greece, Poland and Serbia) took part: 4 universities offering engineering education (Technical University of Gabrovo, Hellenic International University, Politechnika Gdanska, University of Nis), 4 chambers of commerce and industry from Gabrovo, Kavala, Gdansk and Nis, and Cluster Trakia Economic Zone.
The participants discussed project activities and the evaluation given by external evaluators from business and education in relation to the Curriculum for upskilling technicians and engineers employed in the sectors of Machine Building and Mechatronics. The evaluation is very positive in terms of innovativeness of content and teaching and assessment tools; flexibility; usability and transferability potential of this output.
The partners discussed the fourteen courses to be developed, as well as the Active Learning Community Platform (ALCP). Within the first workshop the course designers developed 3 engineering problems to be published on ALCP whereas during the second workshop the reps from the Chambers outlined a strategy for attracting potential learners.
The meeting played a key role in building a sustainable partnership.