
On the 4th of July 2022 a conference summarizing the allCUTE project was held as part of the official 3rd Meeting of the Council of Entrepreneurs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding of the Gdańsk University of Technology.

 Cezary Herrmann, advisor on investment projects, ADM Group confirmed that the role of a scientist is very important and it is thanks to their knowledge that it is possible to solve a problem in a company in an innovative way and to obtain additional subsidies.

During the conference, the results of the survey devoted to the study of skills shortages in technical and engineering workers employed in the machine building and mechatronics sector were also presented. Together with Paweł Śliwiński representatives of Gdansk Technical University discussed examples of good practice, i.e. training for engineers and technicians at Rockfin.

During the meeting, Magdalena Raczyńska, Director of the Export Development Center, presented the possibilities of business and science cooperation, as well as the current challenges and needs of the local labor market.