Industry 4.0 is completely transforming the manufacturing sector in EU imposing its principle of digitalization of industrial processes. As a result, the new cyber-physical production systems have a high impact on the labour force, especially on technicians and engineers. They require new hybrid “humans-machines” teams, where technicians and engineers should analyze big data, simulate production lines, coordinate robots, diagnose/repair complex automated systems. However, data show that industry employees are not ready to face the above new realities since they lack the “right” knowledge/skills demanded by the new industrial environment, i.e. appear underskilled, thus limiting their employability prospects and access to quality jobs...

COORDINATOR: Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria

- Cluster Trakia Economic Zone
- Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Gdansk University of Technology
- Regional Chamber of Commerce, Gdansk

- International Hellenic University
- Kavala Chamber of Commerce
- University of Nis
- Serbian Chamber of Commerce

- Technicians in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics;
- Engineers in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics.
- VET trainers;
- Companies in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics;
- VET providers, including universities and Chambers.

- Conducting a survey on the skills deficit of technical and engineering staff in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics and writing a Partnership Report based on the findings of the skills deficit survey.
- A Teacher’s ToolKit on Active Learning for VET purposes so as to boost VET teachers’ competence.
- An Active Learning Community Platform and its mobile application as an Open educational resources database including:
- Curriculum for upskilling technicians and engineers in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics;
- 14 course materials (PPT presentations, industry-related problems and additional internet resources) as open educational resources, based on blended and active learning;
- Problem-based platform – industry-relevant problems to be used by VET teachers and learners as assignments for practicing in the Learning Factory;
- Tutor and peer-to-peer support in the form of a discussion forum;
- Assessment area for assessing the gained knowledge

Technicians and engineers in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics
- Upskilled STEM, in particular in technology and engineering skills;
- Improved generic skills such as analytical/critical thinking, problem-solving, communication;
- Easier access to TVET learning platforms (Internet-based and mobile) that best match their learning styles;
- Easier access to educational resources to be used for upskilling;
- Ability to quickly and adequately respond to Industry 4.0 fast technological changes in the respective industrial sector;
- Opportunity for securing their positions within the company and future career development;
VET trainers
- Improved teaching competence by mastering active learning techniques and strategically using ICT;
- Ability to better motivate learners;
- Easier access to TVET resources.
Companies in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics
- Better awareness of the specific TVET needs of their engineer;
- Upskilled technicians and engineers ready to respond to the fast technological changes in the sector;
- Opportunity to adequately meet the demands of Industry 4.0 in the long run;
- Potential of higher economic growth in the long run.
VET providers, including universities and Chambers
- Better awareness of the specific TVET needs of the engineering and technical staff employed in the sector;
- Access to TVET learning platforms that best match learning styles of end-users;
- Access to educational resources to be used for upskilling;
- Opportunity to train their VET teachers on active learning tools;
- Opportunity to provide TVET to companies that matches the demands of Industry 4.0 and the specific learning needs of their employees.