Development of an Active Learning Community for Upskilling Technicians and Engineers in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics, aiming to:
• get all stakeholders aware of the specific TVET needs of the technical and engineering staff in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics, one of the most vulnerable in relation to Industry 4.0 skills deficit, so that they can best tailor their TVET offers;
• provide easy access to TVET, where ICT is more strategically used, so that the target group can constantly upskill themselves for professional growth and higher satisfaction with their jobs thus resulting in higher company productivity and competitiveness;
• provide better access of the target group to open educational resources so as to continuously upskill their STEM, in particular technology and engineering skills, so that they can adequately respond to Industry 4.0 f changes thus securing their positions within the company and pursue career development;
• promote active learning methods among VET teachers - flipped classroom, problem-based learning, etc. so as to develop learners' generic skills;
• build strong cooperation between businesses in the sector of Machine Building and Mechatronics, research hubs and VET providers so as to improve the quality, supply and accessibility of CTVET to the target groups.